I’m starting a new online beginners Italian course in November 2020, which will take place on Zoom. All the details below!

Class dates
- Day: Every Thursday starting 19th November 2020, for 10 weeks
- Time: 6.35 – 7.35pm
What you will learn
- Speak Italian confidently and comfortably in everyday situations
- Understand what’s being said back to you.
- Go from complete beginner to building your own sentences.
- Build a solid base vocabulary of words and phrases you can use immediately
- Understand and use Italian grammar with ease
- Understand the structure of the Italian language
- Give your opinions in Italian
- Give descriptions of things in Italian
- Greet the locals when you are in Italy
- Order food and drinks in Italian
- Italian pronunciation
What does my Online Beginners Italian course include?
- Lots of FREE material to support our lessons
- My YouTube Channel with FREE online beginners Italian lessons and with my audio voiceover so you can practice Italian pronunciation at home.
- My Pinterest Boards with lots of FREE Italian words & idioms to help you build your vocabulary
- FREE handouts to help with the Italian grammar
- FREE Food recipes
- My FREE Travel guides to Italy
- WhatsApp Italian group to share homework, tips pronunciation voice recording, and lessons recordings in case you miss one.
How to book my online beginners Italian course
Just contact Amedea via email at: hello@learnitalianmanchester.co.uk
Ciao a tutti!