July 10

Learn Italian phrases – Safe and Sound


Today I would like to share a video with you to help you learn Italian phrases correctly. 

In this video from Learn Italian Manchester you will learn how to say : Safe and Sound. For example: Please let me know that you have arrived home safe and sound.

If you liked this video, and you are looking for an online Italian course, or series of videos, you can also watch videos on my Learn Italian Manchester Youtube channel. Every week I add new videos to help you learn Italian phrases, Italian expressions and understand how to pronounce words in Italian correctly. Some of the videos are quite fun and you will learn Italian phrases you wouldn’t get from a text book!

In addition to my Youtube channel I teach Italian classes in Manchester, and you can find out more about them here:

Italian classes Manchester Didsbury

During the pandemic I’m delivering all my Italian classes online via Zoom or Skype, so even if you’re not in Manchester you can still learn Italian online from the comfort of your own home. 

If you would like to enquire about Italian classes Manchester or want to learn Italian online, please contact me at: hello@learnitalianmanchester.co.uk  


Italian Grammar made easy, Learn italian in Didsbury, Learn Italian Manchester, Learn Italian online for FREE

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