May 21

Numbers in Italian : Italian online for Free


0 zero dzeh-roh
1 uno oo-noh
2 due doo-eh
3 tre treh
4 quattro kwaht-troh
5 cinque cheen-kweh
6 sei say
7 sette seht-teh
8 otto aw-toh
9 nove naw-vay
10 dieci dee-ay-chee
11 undici oon-dee-chee
12 dodici doh-dee-chee
13 tredici treh-dee-chee
14 quattordici kwaht-tohr-dee-chee
15 quindici kween-dee-chee
16 sedici seh-dee-chee
17 diciassette dee-chahs-seht-teh
18 diciotto dee-choht-toh
19 diciannove dee-chahn-noh-veh
20 venti vehn-tee
21 ventuno vehn-too-noh
22 ventidue vehn-tee-doo-eh
23 ventitrè vehn-tee-treh
30 trenta trehn-tah
40 quaranta kwah-rahn-tah
50 cinquanta cheen-kwahn-tah
60 sessanta sehs-sahn-tah
70 settanta seht-tahn-tah
80 ottanta oh-tahn-tah
90 novanta noh-vahn-tah
100 cento chehn-toh
101 centouno chehn-toh-oo-noh
110 centodieci chehn-toh-dee-ay-chee
200 duecento doo-eh-chehn-toh
1,000 mille mee-leh
2,000 duemila doo-eh-mee-lah
million un milione mee-lee-oh-neh
billion un miliardo mee-lee-ar-doh

Why don’t you join one of the Italian for Beginners classes in Manchester, Chorlton or Didsbury. Contact Learn Italian Manchester for more info.


About Learn Italian Manchester: My name is Amedea and I’m a native Italian language tutor with a real passion for my language. I run Italian language classes in Manchester which are sociable, fun and designed to teach you Italian you will really use. As well as Italian classes in Manchester (Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced), Online Italian classes via Skype or Zoom. I also teach 1 to 1 Italian lessons and cover areas including Manchester City Centre,Didsbury, Chorlton, Sale, Altrincham, Hale, Woodford, Bramhall and others.  If you would like to do something new, learn to speak Italian and make new friends along the way! Contact me at:


Beginners italian, Beginners Italian Didsbury, Free italian grammar lesson, Italian classes in Didsbury, italian for beginners, Learn Italian Manchester

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