November 1

Italian language classes Manchester


Over 85 million people have Italian as their first language, and with Italy being a very popular holiday destination, there has never been a better time to learn the language.

Italian language classes Manchester

One Italian for Beginners course starting 6th November, please see the information available on my website: Learn Italian Manchester

Being able to speak more than one language is a great skill to have, and looks great on your CV. Join one of the Italian courses in Manchester with Learn Italian Manchester. I cater for people of all abilities, from the beginner to the advanced, and some courses can lead to qualifications such as GCSE and A Level. Now you have a perfect excuse to take a trip to Italy to test out your new skills.

Learn to speak Italian in small groups or 1-2-1. Italian for Beginners and Intermediate classes available


Beginners Italian Didsbury, Group classes, Italian for Beginners class in Didbsury, Italian language classes Manchester, Learn Italian Manchester, Learn to speak Italian

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