April 29

Learn to speak Italian: Preposition A


Buongiorno a tutti,

Here are some examples of expressions followed by the preposition A:

Learn To speak Italian Didsbury Manchester

A. Before a Noun or Pronoun

assistere a – to attend assomigliare a – to resemble credere a – to believe in dare noia a – to annoy dar da mangiare a – to feed dare fastidio a – to bother dare retta a – to listen to dare torto a – to blame dare la caccia a – to chase dare un calcio a – to kick dare un pugno a – to punch fare attenzione a – to pay attention fare bene (male) a – to to be good (bad)fare piacere a – to please fare vedere a – to show fare visita a – to visit fare un regalo a – to give a present to giocare a – to play a gamei nteressarsi a – to be interested in partecipare a – to participate in pensare a – to think about raccomandarsi a – to ask favors of ricordare a – to remind rinunciare a – to give up servire a – to be good for stringere la mano a – to shake hands with tenere a – to care about

B. Before an Infinitive

abituarsi a – to get used to affrettarsi a – to hurry aiutare a – to help cominciare a – to begin continuare a – to continue convincere a – to convince costringere a – to compel decidersi a – to make up divertirsi a – to have a good time fare meglio a – to do better fare presto a – to do quickly imparare a – to learn incoraggiare a – to encourage insegnare a – to teach invitare a – to invite to mandare a – to send obbligare a – to oblige pensare a – to think about persuadere a – to convince preparare a – to prepare provare a – to try one’s mind rinunciare a – to give up riprendere a – to resume risucire a – to succeed sbrigarsi a – to hurry servire a – to be good for

C. Verbs of Movement + A

andare a – to gocorrere a – to runfermarsi a – to stoppassare a – to stop bystare a – to staytornare a – to returnvenire a – to come

Some Examples:

Chiedere a qualcuno = To ask someone

Credere a qualcuno/qualcosa = To believe in someone/something

Dire a qualcuno = To tell someone/to say to someone

Giocare a = To play (a game)

Insegnare a qualcuno = To teach someone

Interessarsi a = To be interested in

Partecipare a = To participate in

Pensare a qualcosa = To think about something

Permettere a qualcuno = To allow someone

Proibire a qualcuno = To forbid someone

Ricordare a qualcuno = To remind someone

Rispondere a qualcuno =To answer someone

Rinunciare a = To give up/renounce

Rubare a = To steal from

Somigliare/assomigliare a = To look like, to resemble

Tenere a qualcosa = To care about something

Ubbidire a = To obey

Hope you find this free Italian grammar lesson useful as I know Italian prepositions are hard to understand!


About Learn Italian Manchester:  My name is Amedea and I’m a native Italian tutor with a real passion for my language. I run Italian classes in Manchester which are sociable, fun and designed to teach you Italian you will really use. As well as Italian courses in Manchester I teach 1 to 1 Italian lessons and cover areas including Manchester City Centre,Didsbury, Chorlton, Sale, Altrincham, Hale, Woodford, Bramhall and others. I also run Italian cookery classes: fresh pasta, Italian vegetarian food, cookery classes for busy people, Italian style cocktail masterclasses and more. If you would like to do something new, learn to speak Italian and make new friends along the way! Contact me at: hello@learnitalianmanchester.co.uk


Beginners Italian Didsbury, Free italian lesson, Group classes, Italian classes in Altrincham, Italian classes in chorlton, Italian for beginners classes in Manchester, Italian language class Didsbury Manchester, Learn italian in Didsbury, Learn Italian Manchester, Learn to speak Italian

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