April 25

Learn Italian online FREE: Italian Prepositions


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Learn Italian online FREE: Italian Prepositions

Prepositions in and a: forms and examples:

The preposition in usually means in. It is used to indicate:
1 direction (to) when linked to countries, regions, continents, big islands, bank, mountain, library or church

Vai in Italia?           Are you going to Italy?   

2 periods of the year, like seasons, months, years (in, during)

In estate                 in Summer

3 means of transporting

 Vado in treno          I go by train

The preposition a means at. It is used to indicate:

1 direction (to) when linked to cities or little islands

Tornate a Firenze?        Do you come back to Florence?       

2 destination (to)

Ho scritto una lettera a Maria            I wrote a letter to Maria  

3 time (at) 

Alle 7:00 di mattina                      At 7am

4 before the infinitive

Andiamo a ballare               We go to dance/Let’s go dancing

The preposition di usually means of. It is also used to indicate:

1 direction (from) when following essere

Io sono di Milano                 I am from Milan

2 time with words indicating parts of the day or days of the week

Di notte              At Night

3 materials

La maglietta di cotone        The cotton t-shirt

4 arguments (about) with verbs as parlare (to talk), trattare (to treat), discutere (to discuss)

Giorgio discute sempre di politica          Giorgio always discusses politics

The preposition da means from, since, or by. It is also used to indicate:

1 direction (to) when linked to people or worker

Vado dal macellaio            I go to the butcher     

2 the aim of an object:

Occhiali da sole     Sunglasses     

The preposition con means with.

Pago con la carta di credito   I pay with the credit card  

Esco con Paola          I go out with Paola                

The preposition per means for
La camera è per due notti              The room is for two nights    
Il bus per Milano                               The bus for Milan               


The preposition tra/fra means between (place) or within/in (time).            


La banca è tra la scuola e il bar         The bank is between the school and the bar        

Mi sposo tra due anni                           I get married in two years     

The preposition su means on or about

La bottiglia è sul tavolo       The bottle is on the table

Il libro su Macchiavelli è molto interessante     The book about Macchiavelli is very interesting

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About Learn Italian Manchester:  My name is Amedea and I’m a native Italian tutor with a real passion for my language. I run Italian classes in Manchester which are sociable, fun and designed to teach you Italian you will really use. As well as Italian courses in Manchester I teach 1 to 1 Italian lessons and cover areas including Manchester City Centre,Didsbury, Chorlton, Sale, Altrincham, Hale, Woodford, Bramhall and others. I also run Italian cookery classes: fresh pasta, Italian vegetarian food, cookery classes for busy people, Italian style cocktail masterclasses and more. If you would like to do something new, learn to speak Italian and make new friends along the way! Contact me at: hello@learnitalianmanchester.co.uk

















Beginners Italian Didsbury, Free italian grammar lesson, Group classes, Italian for Beginners class in Chorlton, Italian language classes Manchester, Italian prepositions, Learn Italian, learn italian didsbury, learn italian in chorlton, Learn to speak Italian

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