February 14

Fall in love this Valentine’s day – Italian style


Happy Valentine’s day everybody! Say you wanted to impress somebody you fancy but haven’t had the courage yet. Well today it’s the day.

Why don’t you ask him/her out in Italian. Here’s some useful italian phrases for you to use on Valentine’s day for FREE!

Love in Italian – Pick up lines – How to chat up an Italian

Hai un ragazzo? Do you have a boyfriend?

Hai una ragazza? Do you have a girlfriend?

Vuoi essere la mia ragazza/il mio ragazzo? Do you want to be my girlfriend/boyfriend?

Andiamo a casa tua o a casa mia? Your place or mine?

Vuoi salire per un caffè? Do you want to come upstairs for a coffee?

E’ il tuo turno per preparare la colazione It’s your turn to make breakfast

Com’è stato per te? How was it for you?

Vuoi venire a Venezia con me? Would you like to come to Venice with me?


About Learn Italian Manchester:  My name is Amedea and I’m a native Italian tutor with a real passion for my language. I run Italian classes in Manchester which are sociable, fun and designed to teach you Italian you will really use. As well as Italian courses in Manchester I teach 1 to 1 Italian lessons and cover areas including Manchester City Centre,Didsbury, Chorlton, Sale, Altrincham, Hale, Woodford, Bramhall and others. If you would like to do something new, learn to speak Italian and make new friends along the way! Contact me at: hello@learnitalianmanchester.co.uk


Beginners italian, Beginners Italian Didsbury, Free Italian, Free italian grammar, happy valentine's day, Italian beginners classes in Manchester City Centre, Italian classes in Altrincham, Italian classes in Manchester city centre, Italian Language class Manchester, Italian vocabulary, language classes Hale Altrincham, Language classes in Woodford, learn italian didsbury, learn italian in chorlton, Learn Italian in Sale, Valentine's day

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