November 19

Learn to speak Italian and travel to Rome

Ciao a tutti! I’m so proud of my students. All of them have mastered,  in a short space of time, so much grammar that are able to write dialogues that could happen whilst on holiday in Italy.. a real life scenario where as a student who studies Italian want to make sure you have the vocabulary to converse. This ones is very funny and takes place in exclusive Via Condotti in Rome…one of the poshest place to go shopping. Packed with designer shops. God knows how and why my students went from a day out shopping to buying a Valentino designer coat for the tranvestite husband… I’ll say it now and say it again. You can learn to speak Italian and have fun with it!

Italian language course Manchester Didsbury


Tre amiche godono un giorno a spasso per Roma
Cameriere: Buongiorno. Desidera?
Isabella: Vorrei per favoure un’aranciata fresca
Giulia: Un Cinzano per me per favore
Cameriere: Prego – Subito!
Isabella: Grazie, Quant’e’?
Cameriere: E’ nove euros per favore
Isabella: Tieni il resto
Isabella: Buongiorno Livia
Livia: Buongiorno Isabella e Giulia
Giulia: Siamo pronte ad andare a fare lo shopping in centro. Vuoi venire con noi?
Livia: Si grazie!
Guilia: Dove andiamo? Mi piacerebbe acquistare una giacca di pelle in Via Condotti
Isabella Allora – Andiamo da Valentino
Livia: Perche’ no?
Giulia: Sono molto costose
Livia: Posso pagare con la carta di credito per favore?
Commessa: Si certo
Giulia: Mi scusi quanto costano queste giacche?
Commessa: Sette cento e venti tre euros
Giulia: Che affare – me ne da’ due per favore, comprero’ uno come regalo per mio marito travestito!!
Isabella: C’e un bar nelle vicinanze? Abbiamo bisogno di un drink dopo tutto questo shopping………..
Livia: Ce n’e’ uno due minuti da qui. Sulla strada a sinistra.


About Learn Italian Manchester: My name is Amedea and I’m a native Italian tutor with a real passion for my language. I run Italian classes in Manchester which are sociable, fun and designed to teach you Italian you will really use. As well as Italian courses in Manchester I teach 1 to 1 Italian lessons and cover areas including Manchester City Centre,Didsbury, Chorlton, Sale, Altrincham, Hale, Woodford, Bramhall and others. If you would like to do something new, learn to speak Italian and make new friends along the way! Contact me at:


Beginners italian, Beginners Italian Didsbury, Group classes, Italian beginners classes in Manchester City Centre, Italian classes in Didsbury, Italian for Beginners class in Chorlton, Italian grammar, Italian language class Didsbury Manchester, Italian Language class Manchester, learn italian didsbury, Learn italian in Manchester, travel to Rome

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