November 15

Learn Italian for Business: top tips


Doing business in Italy

Practicing proper etiquette is essential in the Italian business world. I know that the world speaks English but if you want to win customers and build relationships with people in Italy. Learn to speak Italian! You’ll win against the competition that doesn’t even try to break the language barrier.

Some interesting facts about doing business with Italians:

  • Be descriptive and demonstrative in conversation. Your Italian colleagues are likely to be effusive and demonstrative when they talk, and will appreciate enthusiasm in your own presentation.
  • If at all possible, get a third party introduction to potential colleagues. Italians appreciate personal connections when doing business.
  • Wear a few elegant accessories to business meetings. A subtle display of wealth or success will likely be noticed and appreciated by Italians. After all Italians take fashion VERY seriuosly..possibly too seriously!
  • Don’t put your Italian colleagues under pressure to make a decision. Decisions are often not made during business meetings
  • Follow through with any verbal commitments, as failing to stick to a verbally agreed-upon decision can cost you credibility and even the business relationship. Italians highly value a person’s word and it’s all about putting things in writing.
  • Have all important business documents translated into Italian preferably by me – the Italian Interpreter 😉
  • Schedule appointments far in advance, and always confirm appointments by telephone, which is still the most popular method of communication in Italy.

If you live in Manchester and need to speak Italian at work then get in touch. If you have one or two hours free to dedicate to a studying, why not learn to speak Italian with Learn Italian Manchester? Get in touch to find out about existing Italian for beginners classes in Chorlton and Didsbury and other locations or if your company is willing to pay for a lunchtime class at your office, bespoke language programmes available: hello at


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