Plural of words in Italian
Welcome to another FREE Italian lesson by Learn Italian Manchester. Italian Plurals are easy to master what you need is a dictionary to check whether the word is masculine or feminine.
The plural is formed by changing the endings of the words/nouns in the following way:
m s -o -i m plural
f s -a -e f plural
m/f -e -i m/f plural
Singular Plural
Il gelato i gelati ice cream/s
la birra le birre beer/s
il bicchiere i bicchieri glass/es
la barca le barche boat/s
A. Change the following singular nouns to the plural and try the article
- aranciata ____________________
- vitello ____________________
- albicocca ____________________
- torta ____________________
- pesce ____________________
- polpetta ____________________
- gelato ____________________
- bruschetta ____________________
- risotto ____________________
- arancino ____________________
My name is Amedea, I’m Italian and I’m a Language tutor based in Manchester. When I’m not writing interesting & free Italian grammar lessons, I teach Italian in Manchester, Woodford, Hale, Altrincham, Didsbury, Chorlton.
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