October 9

Italian Language classes Manchester: Phrase of the week


Ciao a tutti,

I love black and white photos and I found a lovely phrase in Italian which I’d like to share with you. 

Il pane apre tutte le bocche

Sharing is caring in Italian

By sharing bread at the table during lunch or dinner, italians break the ice and start a conversation. Perhaps a very important conversation.
You could say: Sharing bread is caring

My name is Amedea, I’m Italian and I’m a Language tutor based in South Manchester. If you’d like to learn italian as a second language there are 10 reasons plus to take up a language class and several options to consider:

Lunchtime language classes Evening language classes Bespoke 1-2-1 courses Distance Learning Italian classes via Skype or via Zoom to Italian for Business.

I have several dates and locations available all starting soon.

Please check out Learn Italian Manchester or for Italian language classes : hello@learnitalianmanchester.co.uk

Thank you!


Beginners Italian Didsbury, bespoke language course, Free italian grammar lesson, Free italian lesson, Group classes, Italian classes in Altrincham, Italian classes in chorlton, Italian classes in Didsbury, Italian classes in Manchester city centre, italian for beginners, Italian language classes Manchester, Learn italian in Altrincham, Learn italian in Didsbury, Learn italian in Hale, Learn to speak Italian

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