What is a reflexive verb?
Reflexive verbs in English are ones where the subject and object are the same, and which use reflexive pronouns such as myself, yourself and themselves, for example I’ve enjoyed myself; Look after yourself!; They’ve hurt themselves.
1 Using reflexive verbs
The basics
- There are more reflexive verbs in Italian than in English. The infinitive form of a reflexive verb has –si joined onto it, for example, divertirsi (meaning to enjoy oneself). This is the way reflexive verbs are shown in dictionaries. si is a reflexive pronoun and means himself, herself, itself, themselves and oneself.
- Verbs such as to hurt oneself or to enjoy oneself are reflexive in Italian. Also, many verbs that in English include get, for example: to get up, to get dressed, to get annoyed, to get bored, to get angry, are reflexive verbs in Italian. Here is a list of Italian reflexive verbs:
accomodarsi | to sit down; to take a seat |
addormentarsi | to go to sleep |
alzarsi | to get up |
annoiarsi | to get bored; to be bored |
arrabbiarsi | to get angry |
chiamarsi | to be called |
chiedersi | to wonder |
divertirsi | to enjoy oneself; to have fun |
farsi male | to hurt oneself |
fermarsi | to stop |
lavarsi | to wash; to get washed |
perdersi | to get lost |
pettinarsi | to comb one’s hair |
preoccuparsi | to worry |
prepararsi | to get ready |
ricordarsi | to remember |
sbrigarsi | to hurry |
svegliarsi | to wake up |
vestirsi | to dress; to get dressed |
Italian Reflexive Verbs:
Lavare to wash – Lavarsi to wash oneself regular ARE verb.
Io mi lavo
Tu ti lavi
Liu si lava
Lei si lava
Noi ci laviamo
Voi vi Lavate
Loro si lavano
Svegliare – Svergliarsi – to wake oneself up
Io mi sveglio
Tu ti svegli
Liu si sveglia
Lei si sveglia
Noi ci svegliamo
Voi vi svegliate
Loro si svegliano
Alzare – Alzarsi – to get oneself up
Io mi alzo
Tu ti alzi
Liu si alza
Lei si alza
Noi ci alziamo
Voi vi alzate
Loro si alzano