May 4

FREE Italian Greetings Lesson


Ciao a tutti,

I often get contacted by lovely people in Chorlton and Didsbury who wish to learn Italian in Manchester and they feel a bit shy and insecure about whether they can really learn to speak italian. So I thought I’d use my blog to share a few FREE italian grammar lessons and I hope it will show how easy it is to learn a foreign language like italian 🙂

How to say “Hello” in Italian and other greetings in Italian

English                                        Italian
Good morning.                        Buongiorno.
Good afternoon.                     Buon pomeriggio.
Good evening.                         Buonasera.
Hello, my name is John.     Ciao, mi chiamo John.
What is your name?              Come ti chiami?
How are things?                      Come vanno le cose?
Fine, thanks.                            Bene, grazie.
How are you?                          Come stai?
I am fine.                                   Sto bene.
Nice to meet you.                 Piacere di conoscerti.
Goodbye.                                 Arrivederci.
See you later                          A presto.

Free italian grammar lesson didsbury chorlton manchester


Free italian grammar, Free italian lessons, Greetings in Italian, Learn how to say Hello in Italian, learn italian in chorlton, Learn italian in Didsbury

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