Happy Mother’s day! In Italy Mother’s day is on 13th May so I always have to buy a card this week end and post it later on. But the celebration is the same. A time to say “Thank you” and “I love you mum” for all the good things they do for each and everyone of us.
You might want to treat your mum to some lovely flowers or a meal out. But what if your mum always wanted to learn a foreign language, say Italian ;). Why don’t you get in touch?
Or if you are a busy mum and want “Me time” call and quote: MUMDAY to book 10 hours of Italian and receive 10% discount. Offer valid until Sunday 18th March. It’s for Mums only!!
It’s different, it’s sociable, fun and educational. Certainly a bigger present than flowers and chocolate (I love both by the way;). Remember it’s never too late to learn to speak Italian. My students are aged between 20-65 years old!
If your mum loves Italy and would like to fulfill a wish of a lifetime and do something for herself, than Italian beginners classes in Manchester City Centre, Didsbury or Chorlton are a great idea :hello@learnitalianmanchester.co.uk for more info.
Buona Festa della Mamma – Happy Mother’s day xx