Buongiorno a tutti! A bit of FREE grammar for anybody interested in Learning Italian.
When demonstrative pronouns questo (questa, questi, queste) and quello (quella, quelli, quelle) are followed by a noun, they turn into adjectives.
The Demonstrative adjective (aggetivi dimostrativi) are:
Singolare Singular Plurale Plural
Masculine questo this questi these
Feminine questa this queste these
Masculine quello that quelli those
Feminine quella that quelle those
Masculine codesto that codesti those
Feminine codesta that codeste those
questo, questa, and quella before a noun beginning with a vowel takes an apostrophe. Examples:
o quest’aereo » this airplane
o quest’aula » this classroom
o quell’autostrada » that highway
Questa is sometimes shortened to “sta” and contracted with the noun it modifies:
o questa sera (this evening) » stasera (this evening)
Demonstratives agree in gender and number with the nouns they modify, and always precede them:
• Questo libro » this book
• Quella casa » that house