January 6

Friday Photo: Gelato – One reason to learn italian



Ciao a tutti!

Why not have a nice photo on fridays to take the winter blues away?

Learn Italian Manchester Gelateria italianaLearn Italian Manchester and eat loads of GelatoOne good reason to learn italian… so you can eat loads of GELATO!

Gelateria italiana are institutions, a must for those with a sweet tooth. Italians like nothing better than going for a stroll after lunch or dinner. We call them “Passeggiata” or “Vasca”.

And whilst we walk up and down the streets of the city centre or busk into the sunshine by a Piazza we like nothing more than eating a freshly made authentic italian ice-cream or “Gelato”.

History of Gelato (courtesy of Wikipedia)

The history of gelato dates back to frozen desserts served in ancient Rome and Egypt made from ice and snow brought down from mountaintops and preserved below ground. Later, frozen desserts appeared during banquets at the Medici court in Florence. In fact, the Florentine cook Bernardo Buontalenti is said to have invented modern ice cream in 1565, as he presented his recipe and his innovative refrigerating techniques to Catherine de’ Medici. She in turn brought the novelty to France, where in 1686 the Sicilian fisherman Francesco Procopio dei Coltelli perfected the first ice cream machine.[1] The popularity of gelato among larger shares of the population however only increased in the 1920s–1930s in the northern Italian city of Varese, where the first mobile gelato cart was developed. Italy is the only country in the world where the market share of handmade gelato versus industrial one is over 55%. [2] Nowadays over 5.000 italian gelaterie all over the world occupy more than 15.000 gelatai.[3]


gelato, Italian culture, Italian food and drink

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