How to remember the indefinite articles in Italian:
1. Lo (pl. gli) is used before masculine nouns beginning with s + consonant or z.
2. Il (pl. i) is used before masculine nouns beginning with all other consonants.
3. L’ (pl. gli) is used before masculine nouns beginning with a vowel.
4. La (pl. le) is used before feminine nouns beginning with any consonant.
5. L’ (pl. le) is used before feminine nouns beginning with a vowel.
The article agrees in gender and number with the noun it modifies and is repeated before each noun.
la Coca–Cola e l’aranciata (the Coke and sparkly orange)
gli italiani e i giapponesi (the Italians and the Japanese)
le zie e gli zii (the aunts and uncles)
The first letter of the word immediately following the article determines the article’s form. Compare the following:
il giorno (the day)
l’altro giorno (the other day)
lo zio (the uncle)
il vecchio zio (the old uncle)
i ragazzi (the boys)
gli stessi ragazzi (the same boys)
l’amica (the girlfriend)
la nuova amica (the new girlfriend)